A Recombinant Construct with the Silver Carp Somatotropin Gene Can Be Used for Production of Transgenic Carps

A. O. Benyumov, V. A. Golichenkov, Yu B. L'vov, G. V. Rotkina, N. A. Zinov'eva, J. Hong, M. Schartl, G. Brem

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A recombinant construct ptMTa-scGH containing the silver carp growth hormone gene and a promoter-enhancer area of the rainbow trout metal lothionein A gene was microinjected in the cytoplasm of the fertilized carp eggs. It was shown that ptMTa-scGH in the ring form as a part of Bluescript plasmid vector induced specific developmental defects and death in the embryos. No such pathogenic effect was found when a linearized fragment tMTa-scGH was used. Sequences of the introduced genes were found in transgenic carps: fingerlings, one-and two-year old individuals. The results of testing of the studied construct in vivo suggest the possible use of linearized fragment tMTa-scGH in experiments aimed at the production of genetically modified carps.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)286-287
Number of pages2
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1996


  • Carp
  • Recombinant DNA
  • Somatotropin gene
  • Transgene


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