“Bi”ing Into Monogamy: Attitudes Toward Monogamy in a Sample of Bisexual-Identified Adults

Kristen Mark, Dani Rosenkrantz, Ian Kerner

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

21 Scopus citations


Bisexuality researchers have explored various aspects of bisexual (“bi”) commitment, including how bi-identified individuals negotiate nonmonogamous relationships, relationship stability in couples with 1 bi-identified and 1 straight-identified partner, and patterns of commitment across the life cycle. However, no research to date has quantitatively explored bi-identified individuals’ attitudes toward monogamy itself. As part of an online survey exploring attitudes toward monogamy in a sample of 5,988 adults, the current study examined a subsample of 293 bi-identified persons’ attitudes toward monogamy. All participants completed the Monogamy Attitudes Scale to assess attitudes toward monogamy as enhancing or sacrificing, in addition to questions regarding the sources surrounding participants’ attitudes toward monogamy. Two 2 (Male/Female) 4 (Gay/Straight/Bi/Questioning) ANOVA results indicated a significant difference based on sexual identity for attitudes toward monogamy as enhancing, F(5) 103.38, p .001, and as a sacrifice, F(5) 62.48, p .001. Bi individuals viewed monogamy as less enhancing than gay, lesbian, and straight individuals, and similar to uncertain or questioning individuals. Bi individuals viewed monogamy as more of a sacrifice than gay, lesbian, and straight individuals, and similar to uncertain or questioning individuals. Bi-identified men viewed monogamy as more of a sacrifice than bi-identified women, F(5) 22.09, p .001. Findings on the sources regarding monogamy are also discussed. Overall, bi individuals expressed less supportive attitudes toward monogamy compared to other sexual identity groups despite reporting their own personal relationships as monogamous and traditional. Implications of these findings in clinical, educational, and advocacy settings are discussed.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)263-269
Number of pages7
JournalPsychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2014 American Psychological Association


  • Attitudes toward monogamy
  • Bisexual attitudes
  • Bisexual relationships
  • Monogamy
  • Sources of belief


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