Bimetallic zirconium amine bis(phenolate) polymerization catalysts: Enhanced activity and tacticity control for polyolefin synthesis

Madalyn R. Radlauer, Theodor Agapie

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

37 Scopus citations


Binucleating multidentate amine bis(phenolate) ligands with rigid terphenyl backbones were designed to support two zirconium centers locked in close proximity. Polymerizations of propylene or 1-hexene with the synthesized bimetallic precatalysts resulted in polymers with significantly higher isotacticity (up to 79% mmmm) in comparison to the stereoirregular polymers produced with previously reported Cs-symmetric monometallic analogues. The bimetallic precatalysts also display higher activity (up to 124 kg of poly(1-hexene) (mmol of Zr)-1 h-1), in comparison to the monometallic analogues, and among the highest activities reported for nonmetallocene catalysts. The stereocontrol is consistent with a bimetallic mechanism involving remote steric interactions with the ligand sphere of the second metal center.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)3247-3250
Number of pages4
Issue number13
StatePublished - Jul 14 2014


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