Bose-Einstein correlations in pp interactions at √s=0.2 to 0.9 TeV

C. Albajar, M. G. Albrow, O. C. Allkofer, B. Andrieu, K. Ankoviak, R. Apsimon, A. Astbury, B. Aubert, C. Bacci, T. Bacon, N. Bains, G. Bauer, S. Beingessner, A. Bettini, A. Bezaguet, P. Biddulph, H. Bohn, A. Böhrer, R. Bonino, K. BosM. Botlo, B. Buschbeck, G. Busetto, A. Caner, P. Casoli, F. Cavanna, P. Cennini, S. Centro, F. Ceradini, D. G. Charlton, G. Ciapetti, S. Cittolin, E. Clayton, D. Cline, J. Colas, P. Colas, R. Conte, J. A. Coughlan, G. Cox, D. Dau, J. P. Debrion, M. Degiorgi, M. Della Negra, M. Demoulin, D. Denegri, H. Dibon, A. Diciaccio, F. J. Diez Hedo, L. Dobrzynksi, J. Dorenbosch

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73 Scopus citations


Bose-Einstein correlations have been measured at the SPS collider at centre-of-mass energies from √s=0.2 to 0.9 TeV. The size and the incoherence parameter of the particle emitting region have been determined as a function of charged particle density in pseudorapidity Δn/Δη, centre-of-mass energy and the direction of emission of the charged particles. For fixed values of Δn/Δη the size of the interaction region and the incoherence parameter remain constant with rising √s. At fixed √s, the size of the interaction region increases with rising charged particle density while the incoherence parameter decreases.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)410-416
Number of pages7
JournalPhysics Letters B
Issue number3-4
StatePublished - Aug 10 1989


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