Characterization of wild oat (Avena fatua L.) populations and an inbred line with multiple herbicide resistance

Anthony J. Kern, Corey T. Colliver, Bruce D. Maxwell, Peter K. Fay, William E. Dyer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

23 Scopus citations


Repeated use of the pre-emergence herbicide triallate has selected for wild oat populations that are resistant (R)3 to field use rates. Field collections and an inbred R line were shown in greenhouse and petri dish dose response experiments to be 6- to 20-fold more tolerant to triallate than susceptible (S)3 lines. R populations and the inbred line were also resistant (8-fold) to the related thiocarbamate herbicide diallate, as well as to the chemically unrelated postemergence herbicide difenzoquat (60- fold). 14C-triallate uptake and translocation patterns were similar between R and S lines for the first 24 h after application. However, translocation of radioactivity was more rapid in S lines than R lines from 24 through 60 h after application. 14C-difenzoquat uptake was the same in R and S lines 12 h after application, but was 10 to 20% higher in R lines than S lines by 24 through 96 h after application. Similarly, translocation of radioactivity after 14C-difenzoquat application was 7 to 14% greater in R than S lines after 12 h, although translocated radioactivity amounts were not significantly different between R and S lines. The relatively minor differences in triallate and difenzoquat uptake and translocation patterns between R and S lines are most likely not of sufficient magnitude to explain the observed resistance levels.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)847-852
Number of pages6
JournalWeed Science
Issue number4
StatePublished - Jan 1 1996
Externally publishedYes


  • GR
  • dose response
  • herbicide resistance
  • herbicide translocation
  • herbicide uptake
  • multiple resistance


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