Circadecennian peak expiratory flow and the putative merit of self-measurement

R. B. Sothern, N. Buriokan, Germaine G Cornelissen-Guillaume, P. Engel, F. Halberg, J. Siegelová, J. Vlček, J. Halberg, F. Halberg

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Peak expiratory flow (PEF) can be self-measured. Self-measurements of PEF on a long-term basis permit assessment of the time structure of PEF and its relation to solar activity expressed in Wolf's relative sunspot number. The results from a longitudinal record spanning 32.5 years were compared with four other shorter series. It appeared that the most prominent periodicity in the annual and infra-annual response of the spectrum was a component with a period of 11.74 years. This periodicity was comparable with the periodicity found for Wolf's relative sunspot number (10.27) during the same span of time.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)261-266
Number of pages6
JournalScripta Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae
Issue number5
StatePublished - Dec 1 2002


  • Circadecennian rhythm
  • Peak expiratory flow
  • Self-measurement


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