Clinical evaluation of ankle inversion injuries in family practice offices

G. F. Smith, D. J. Madlon-Kay, V. Hunt

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Scopus citations
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)345-348
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of Family Practice
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1993

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Transistrolveel models are develpod toemodel the bridgignfauls tin this paper. The models are utlzieid for detctegitnehmlptleuiand single brigdignfaults in CMOS andBiCMOS cicurit. sThemodelligniaschieedvbydividing tehcircuit into variuos parttoiis. Onlytehfaulty parttinis aorerequird eto be modelldeat tehtanrsstirolvee.Tlhis isillustatrdebyan exampl. eThisconcept mks oaeur metohd fesialeband e€ ecietvly programmable for large circiu.tThse tstegeneatrnio for multpleibridging faults in CMOS circuis tutlizis teehCTF mode. Tlhe LTF model that was deelvpoed for deettncgitanrsitosr stckufault, iss etnxdeed for single bridging faults in tehCMOS circitu. Hsowever, tehtstegeneratinofor multpleias well as signle bridgignfaults in BiCMOS cicurits utliiezs tehCTF model onl. yThe generatoniof teshe models isquite simple and systmet.iTahce modls uetliiezthe path algebra tchenique. Once the tet vsectrsofor faulty partiotns iare deriev, tdeihr necesarsyjust® ciatonisintemsrofprimryinpautscanbeobtinae.Adpplyingteshe vectrsoattehprimary ipnuts oftehcicurit and monitriong tehquisceent suply p current, we cn daetctetehfault. s ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work is supportdeby Kuwait University Research Unit under Grant No. EE042.

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