Controlling the angular response of magnetoresistance in CoCu multilayered nanowires using Co crystallographic orientation

Liwen Tan, Patrick D. McGary, Bethanie J.H. Stadler

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10 Scopus citations


Ordered nanoporous templates with monodispersed pore diameters were used for the fabrication of multilayered CoCu nanowires. The c -axis alignment of Co layers was controlled in order to study the angular variation of the magnetoresistance (ΔMR). When the Co easy axis was in plane (perpendicular to the wire axes), the arrays were magnetically anisotropic and they had a low angular ΔMR (0.08%). This was most likely due to anisotropic magnetoresistance. However, when the Co c axis was out of plane (parallel to wire axes), the arrays were magnetically isotropic but they had larger angular ΔMR (1.33%). The maximum MR was 7% for the whole array. This control of the angular response will be useful in designing sensors for a variety of applications.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number07B504
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Issue number7
StatePublished - 2008

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was partially supported by NSF (CMS-0329975), the UMN MRSEC (DMR-0212302), and ONR (N000140310953).


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