Diagnosis, medical treatment, and prognosis of feline urolithiasis

C. A. Osborne, J. P. Lulich, R. Thumchai, J. W. Bartges, S. L. Sanderson, L. K. Ulrich, L. A. Koehler, K. A. Bird, L. L. Swanson

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17 Scopus citations


Radiographic or ultrasonographic evaluation of the urinary tract is required to consistently detect feline uroliths. Evaluation of clinical, laboratory, and radiographic findings facilitate 'guesstimation' of the mineral composition of uroliths. Therapy should not be initiated before appropriate samples have been collected for diagnosis. The objectives of medical management of uroliths are to arrest further growth and to promote urolith dissolution by correcting or controlling underlying abnormalities. For therapy to be effective, it must induce undersaturation of urine with calculogenic crystalloids by (1) increasing the solubility of crystalloids in urine, (2) increasing the volume of urine in which crystalloids are dissolved or suspended, and (3) reducing the quantity of calculogenic crystalloids in urine.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)589-627
Number of pages39
JournalVeterinary Clinics of North America - Small Animal Practice
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1996


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