Engaging the private homeowner: Linking climate change and green stormwater infrastructure

Thomas H Beery

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


Current and projected climate change in the Minnesota Lake Superior Coastal Area indicates an increase in frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall. One key outcome of this change is a subsequent potential increase in stormwater runoff, a concern exacerbated by the region's shallow, often clay soils and exposed bedrock, along with highly impervious urban surfaces. This situation, coupled with public perception of climate change that is increasingly inclusive of severe weather, highlights an opportunity to apply green infrastructure to the challenge of stormwater management, referred to as green stormwater infrastructure. In addition to coordinated public action at local, state, and national levels, there is a role for the private landowner to participate in this form of climate adaptation. Private citizens have an opportunity to both protect their home and property while contributing to overall stormwater management for the community in which they live. Focus group research was conducted to better understand outreach and involve local residents in the creation of a tool to assist private green stormwater infrastructure efforts. Results of the focus group sessions were analyzed, and key themes emerged from the data to guide this process and support private home/landowner action. It is recommended that a fifth domain be added to the typology for public and private roles in climate adaptation, i.e. private adaptation for public and private benefit.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number4791
JournalSustainability (Switzerland)
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 15 2018


  • Climate adaptation
  • Climate change
  • Climate resilience
  • Focus group
  • Green stormwater infrastructure
  • Minnesota Lake Superior Coastal Area
  • Stormwater management


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