How much do rare and crop-pollinating bees overlap in identity and flower preferences?

Molly MacLeod, James Reilly, Daniel P. Cariveau, Mark A. Genung, Michael Roswell, Jason Gibbs, Rachael Winfree

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


The biodiversity-centred approach to conservation prioritizes rare species, whereas the ecosystem services approach prioritizes species that provide services to people. The two approaches align when rare species provide ecosystem services, or when both groups of species benefit from the same management action. We use data on bee pollinators and the plant species they forage on to determine if there are rare species among the most important crop pollinators, and the extent to which plant species selected to support crop pollinators would support rare species as well. We used pre-existing, regional-scale datasets to determine which bee species are regionally rare, and which are regionally important crop pollinators. To assess the plant preferences of these two groups of bee species, we collected two datasets on plant–pollinator interactions, one experimental and one observational. The experiment consisted of monospecific plots of 17 plant species from which we collected bees over 3 years. The observational data consisted of bees collected from 66 species of plants growing in semi-natural meadows, also over 3 years. Nineteen percent of the dominant crop-pollinating species were regionally rare. Both rare species and crop-pollinating species had strong preferences for certain plants, and the preferences of rare and crop-pollinating bees were significantly but not strongly (r ≤.54) correlated. Ten plant species were significantly preferred by both rare and crop-pollinating bees. Synthesis and applications. We found several dominant crop pollinators that are rare at a regional scale, supporting the idea that rare species can be important providers of ecosystem services. The flower preferences of rare and crop-pollinating bees are significantly positively associated, suggesting that plants chosen to support crop pollinators will benefit rare species as well. We identify plant species that are preferred by regionally rare bees and by crop pollinators, including 10 plant species preferred by both types of bees, and recommend these for use in pollinator habitat plantings.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)413-423
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Applied Ecology
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 1 2020

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
M.M. thanks the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) STAR Graduate Fellowship, Rutgers University (Ted Stiles Award, Buell Award, and Charlie Kontos Memorial Grant), and the Garden Club of America for funding. We are grateful to the staff of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Cape May Plant Materials Center for providing the site for and assistance with the field experiment, and to John S. Ascher for identification of bee specimens. The observational field study was funded by a Conservation Innovation Grant from the NRCS to the Xerces Society with RW as Co‐PI and by Rutgers University through Aresty grants for undergraduate research to multiple undergraduates. We are grateful to the many landowners, field technicians, and staff of NRCS for their important contributions to this study. We also thank our editor and two reviewers for excellent comments on earlier versions of the manuscript.

Funding Information:
M.M. thanks the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) STAR Graduate Fellowship, Rutgers University (Ted Stiles Award, Buell Award, and Charlie Kontos Memorial Grant), and the Garden Club of America for funding. We are grateful to the staff of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Cape May Plant Materials Center for providing the site for and assistance with the field experiment, and to John S. Ascher for identification of bee specimens. The observational field study was funded by a Conservation Innovation Grant from the NRCS to the Xerces Society with RW as Co-PI and by Rutgers University through Aresty grants for undergraduate research to multiple undergraduates. We are grateful to the many landowners, field technicians, and staff of NRCS for their important contributions to this study. We also thank our editor and two reviewers for excellent comments on earlier versions of the manuscript.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019 British Ecological Society


  • agri-environment
  • biodiversity
  • conservation
  • crop pollination
  • ecosystem services
  • pollinator
  • rare species
  • wild bees


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