Implementing IPUMS-International Confidentiality Protocols using CSPro/IMPS: 1991 Census Microdata of Saint Lucia

Robert McCaa, Michael J Levin

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Confidentiality protections for census microdata depend not only on the sensitivity and heterogeneityof the data, but also on the potential users. It is widely recognized that statistical agencies expend substantialeffort to protect microdata from misuse by academics, their most trust-worthy users. The IPUMS-Internationalproject, by disseminating only integrated, anonymized microdata and restricting access to licensed academicusers, shifts the risk-utility curve sharply rightwardsubstantially increasing utility with only marginalincrements in risk. This paper discusses legal, administrative and technical protocols of the IPUMSInternationalproject. In addition, we discuss an experiment to implement IPUMSi technical protocols using ,first CSPro, then IMPS. The 1991 census microdata of Saint Lucia is used as an example. For statistical officesthat wish to implement technical anonymization measures, this experiment may be of interest.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - 2009


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