Iron deficiency and behavioral deficits

Amos S Deinard, A. Gilbert, M. Dodds, B. Egeland

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

47 Scopus citations


In an attempt to investigate the relationship of iron deficiency and mental status, cognitive development and attending behavior were assessed in nonanemic children aged 11 to 13 months who were severely or mildly iron deficient or were iron replete. Using two different approaches to the assessment of cognitive development and an habituation measure as an index of attending behavior, no statistically significant differences could be demonstrated in the overall level of performance between the iron-depleted and the iron-replete children. Isolated differences were demonstrated on a scale that measured fearfulness and on several of the scales that measured sensory areas of interest displayed.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)828-833
Number of pages6
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 1 1981


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