Kinematic and vorticity analyses of the western Idaho shear zone, USA

Scott Giorgis, Zach Michels, Laura Dair, Nicole Braudy, Basil Tikoff

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

21 Scopus citations


The western Idaho shear zone (WISZ) is a Late Cretaceous, mid-crustal exposure of intense shear localized in the Cordillera of western North America. This shear zone is characterized by transpressional fabrics, i.e., downdip stretching lineations and vertical foliations. Folded and boudinaged late-stage dikes indicate a dextral sense of shear. The vorticity-normal section is identified by examining the three-dimensional shape preferred orientation of feldspar populations and the intragranular lattice rotation in quartz grains in deformed quartzites. The short axes of the shape preferred orientation ellipsoid gather on a plane perpendicular to the vorticity vector. In western Idaho this plane dips gently to the west, suggesting a vertical vorticity vector. Similarly, sample-scale crystallographic vorticity axis analysis of quartzite tectonites provides an independent assessment of vorticity and also indicates a subvertical vorticity vector. Constraints on the magnitude of vorticity are provided by field fabrics and porphyroclasts with strain shadows. Together these data indicate that the McCall segment of the WISZ displays dextral transpression with a vertical vorticity vector and an angle of oblique convergence =60°. North and south of McCall, movement is coeval on the Owyhee segment of the WISZ and the Ahsahka shear zone. Together, the kinematics of these shear zones are consistent with northeast-southwest-directed convergence. Plate motion in this orientation acting on a curved plate boundary could have produced pure shear-dominated transpression in the Owyhee (α = 40°) and McCall (α = 60°) segments of the WISZ, while causing reverse-sense shearing (α = 90°) in the Ahsahka shear zone.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)223-234
Number of pages12
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 1 2017
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Discussions with Joshua Davis improved this manuscript. Editing and figure consultation by Maureen Kahn is greatly appreciated. Constructive reviews by Eric Ferré and an anonymous reviewer resulted in significant improvements. This work was supported by the Geneseo Foundation (Giorgis) and National Science Foundation grants EAR-0844260 and EAR-1251877 (Tikoff).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2016 Geological Society of America.


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