Modeling of mode-I fatigue crack growth in quasibrittle structures under cyclic compression

Jan Eliáš, Jia Liang Le

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

28 Scopus citations


A cyclic cohesive zone model is proposed to simulate the mode-I crack growth in quasibrittle structures under compressive fatigue. The constitutive behavior of the cohesive elements is formulated for both tension and compression regimes. A strain-softening cohesive law is adopted for the tension regime whereas a plastic-type cohesive behavior is considered for the compression regime. It is shown that the proposed model is able to capture some essential fracture behaviors of quasibrittle structures under compressive fatigue, which include the onset of fatigue crack growth, the gradual decrease in crack growth rate, and the exhaustion of residual tensile stress over the cycles. Based on a fracture process zone (FPZ)-equivalence principle, it is further shown that the existing kinetics equation for tensile fatigue crack can be extended to the crack growth under cyclic compression.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)26-36
Number of pages11
JournalEngineering Fracture Mechanics
StatePublished - Dec 2012

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
J. Eliáš acknowledges the financial support of the Czech Science Foundation under Project No. P105/11/P055 and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic under Project No. ME10030, and J.-L. Le acknowledges the financial support by the University of Minnesota through the start-up package.


  • Compressive fatigue
  • Cyclic cohesive zone model
  • Fracture kinetics
  • Quasibrittle materials


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