Molecular cloning of the bovine prolactin receptor and distribution of prolactin and growth hormone receptor transcripts in fetal and utero-placental tissues

Patricia Scott, Mark A. Kessler, Linda A. Schuler

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

106 Scopus citations


We have isolated a bovine prolactin (bPRL) receptor cDNA from an endometrial cDNA library, which predicts a 557 amino acid transmembrane protein similar to the long forms of other characterized prolactin receptors. The predicted cytoplasmic domain is slightly truncated primarily by a stop codon located 36 codons 5' from the stop utilized in the human hepatic transcript. When expressed in COS cells, this cDNA was shown to encode a protein which bound bovine placental lactogen (bPL) and bPRL with nearly equal affinity (KD for bPL, 2.03 × 10-10 M; bPRL, 3.07 × 10-10 M). Northern analysis demonstrated multiple transcripts, with maternal liver, corpus luteum, intestine, endometrium and fetal liver containing a major transcript of about 3.8 kb, and maternal corpus luteum and endometrium, a second sized transcript of apparently equal abundance of 4.4 kb. This difference did not appear to be within the coding region. Primer extension analysis of maternal hepatic and endometrial transcripts revealed considerable heterogeneity. Examination of the distribution of prolactin and growth hormone receptor transcripts at mid-pregnancy by semi-quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction showed that both are widespread in bovine fetal and placental tissues. This isolation of bovine prolactin receptor cDNA, and description of receptor distribution will facilitate study of the action of the placental and pituitary members of this gene family during pregnancy.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)47-58
Number of pages12
JournalMolecular and Cellular Endocrinology
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - Nov 1992

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The authorsa re gratefult o Dr. Paul Kelly for his rat PRLR clone F3, as well as helpful discussionsa nd sharingu npublishedd ata.We appreciatet he adviceo f Aram Mangasariana nd Dr. Paul Lambert on electro-poration and the gift of p-actin cDNA from Dr. L. Kedes. We thank Nancy Soeurt for technical assistance, and Jane11G erhartz for preparationo f the figures. This work was supportedi n part by NSF grant DCB-9018633a nd USDA grant 88-37240-4103P..S . is an NIH predoctoralt rainee supportedb y HD07118.


  • (Bovine endometrium)
  • Fetus
  • Growth hormone receptor
  • Placenta
  • Prolactin receptor
  • cDNA


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