New classes of zerovalent titanium carbonyls; first structural characterisation of a seven-co-ordinate titanium complex containing only unidentate ligands: Ti(CO)5(SnPh3)2 2- 1

Kai Ming Chi, Scott R. Frerichs, John E. Ellis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Scopus citations


Seven-co-ordinate zerovalent titanium carbonyls containing only unidentate ligands, Ti(CO)5(EPh3)22- (E = Ge, Sn, structurally characterized for Sn), and organoarsine and arylphosphine ligands, Ti(CO)3[o-C6H4(AsMe2) 2]2 and Ti(CO)4[MeC(CH2PPh 2)3], respectively, have been prepared for the first time from highly reactive and quite thermally unstable low valent titanium intermediates, one of which has been characterized as Ti(CO) 5(PMe3)2 on the basis of 13C and 31P n.m.r. spectra.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1013-1015
Number of pages3
JournalJournal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications
Issue number15
StatePublished - Jan 1 1988


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