Ontogenetic depth partitioning by juvenile freshwater sawfish (Pristis microdon: Pristidae) in a riverine environment

Jeff M. Whitty, David L. Morgan, Stirling C. Peverell, Dean C. Thorburn, Stephen J. Beatty

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69 Scopus citations


The freshwater sawfish (Pristis microdon) is a critically endangered elasmobranch. Ontogenetic changes in the habitat use of juvenile P. microdon were studied using acoustic tracking in the Fitzroy River, Western Australia. Habitat partitioning was significant between 0+ (2007 year class) and larger 1+ (2006 year class) P. microdon. Smaller 0+ fish generally occupied shallower water (<0.6 m) compared with 1+ individuals, which mainly occurred in depths >0.6 m. Significant differences in hourly depth use were also revealed. The depth that 1+ P. microdon occupied was significantly influenced by lunar phase with these animals utilising a shallower and narrower depth range during the full moon compared with the new moon. This was not observed in 0+ individuals. Habitat partitioning was likely to be related to predator avoidance, foraging behaviours, and temperature and/or light regimes. The occurrence of 1+ P. microdon in deeper water may also result from a need for greater depths in which to manoeuvre. The present study demonstrates the utility of acoustic telemetry in monitoring P. microdon in a riverine environment. These results demonstrate the need to consider the habitat requirements of different P. microdon cohorts in the strategic planning of natural resources and will aid in the development of management strategies for this species.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)306-316
Number of pages11
JournalMarine and Freshwater Research
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2009
Externally publishedYes


  • External tagging
  • Ontogeny
  • Telemetry


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