Public sensemaking of non-rehearsing teachers during debriefs of rehearsals

Jen Munson, Erin E. Baldinger

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Rehearsals have become a common way to support mathematics teacher learning. Primarily, research on rehearsals has focused on the experience of the rehearsing teachers, and we know much less about the experiences of non-rehearsing teachers. In this study, we investigate non- rehearsing teachers’ public sensemaking about rehearsals during debrief discussions following rehearsals. We use the lens of professional noticing to capture the ways in which non-rehearsing teachers made sense of the rehearsals and positionality to account for the dual roles of student and teacher that non-rehearsing teachers take on in rehearsals. We found that non-rehearsing teachers primarily attended to and interpreted their experiences from the position of student, and made connections beyond the rehearsal from the position of teacher. These findings have implications for considering the experiences of all rehearsal participants.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Number of pages5
StatePublished - 2019


  • classroom discourse
  • instructional activities and practices
  • instructional vision
  • professional development
  • teacher education-inservice


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