Quality of spaghetti made from full and partial waxy durum wheat

Nathalie Vignaux, Douglas C. Doehlert, Elias M. Elias, Michael S. McMullen, Linda A. Grant, Shahryar F. Kianian

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42 Scopus citations


The waxy character is achieved in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) when the granule-bound starch synthase activity is eliminated. The result is a crop that produces kernels with no amylose in the starch. The presence of two Waxy loci in tetraploid wheat permits the production of two partial waxy wheat genotypes. Advanced full and partial waxy durum wheat genotypes were used to study the effect of waxy null alleles on pasta quality. Semolina from full and partial waxy durum wheats was processed into spaghetti with a semicommercial-scale extruder, and pasta quality was evaluated. Cooked waxy pasta was softer and exhibited more cooking loss than pasta made from traditional durum cultivars. These features were attributed to lower setback of waxy starch as measured with the Rapid Visco Analyser. High cooking loss may be due to the lack of amylose-protein interaction, preventing the formation of a strong protein network and permitting exudates to escape. Waxy pasta cooked faster but was less resistant to overcooking than normal pasta. Partial waxy pasta properties were similar to results obtained from wild-type pasta. This indicates that the presence of a single pair of functional waxy genes in durum wheat was sufficient to generate durum grain with normal properties for pasta production. Waxy durum wheat is not suitable for pasta production because of its softening effect. However, this property may offer an advantage in other applications.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)93-100
Number of pages8
JournalCereal Chemistry
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2005


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