Rethinking Implicit Memory

Jeffrey S. Bowers, Chad J Marsolek

Research output: Book/ReportBook

21 Scopus citations


Implicit memory refers to a change in task performance due to an earlier experience that is not consciously remembered. The topic of implicit memory has been studied from two quite different perspectives. On the one hand, researchers interested in memory have set out to characterize the memory system (or systems) underlying implicit memory, and see how they relate to those underlying other forms of memory. The alternative framework has considered implicit memory as a by-product of perceptual, conceptual, or motor systems that learn. That is, on this view the systems that support implicit memory are heavily constrained by pressures other than memory per se. Both approaches have yielded results that have been valuable in helping us to understand the nature of implicit memory, but studied somewhat in isolation and with little collaboration. This volume contrasts these approaches, bringing together scientists from both camps to consider this important issue in psychology and neuroscience.

Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherOxford University Press
Number of pages362
ISBN (Electronic)9780191670466
ISBN (Print)9780192632326
StatePublished - Mar 22 2012


  • Conceptual systems
  • Implicit memory
  • Memory systems
  • Motor systems
  • Neuroscience
  • Perceptual systems
  • Psychology


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