Shape evolution of an initially circular precipitate growing by diffusion in an applied stress field

P. H. Leo, Herng Jeng Jou

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


The diffusional growth of a precipitate transforming under applied stress is analyzed to determine the shape evolution of the precipitate. The analysis is based on linearizing the precipitate shape about a circle. Because of applied stresses, a circle is a stable shape only when the shear moduli of the precipitate and the surrounding matrix are identical. Otherwise, one finds a non-circular base shape that depends on the applied stress and the elastic constants of both phases. For small precipitate sizes, the progression of growing base shapes are not self-similar, but define a path of fastest growing shapes. The base shapes become unstable at a critical radius and that depends on the elastic fields. In particular, the critical radius can be affected by elastic even when the shear moduli of the precipitate and matrix are equal.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2271-2281
Number of pages11
JournalActa Metallurgica Et Materialia
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 1993

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The onseto f instabilityo f the base shapei tself depends strongly on the elastic constantso f both phasesa ndthe detailso f the elasticfi elds.T he base shapei s stabilizedw hen the shear modulus of the precipitaties highert hanthat of inclusion, and destabilizewd hen the oppositeis true. However,t he stabilityp icturew hena pplieds tressesa re Acknowledgements--This work has been partiasullyp - ported by thUe. S. Army Research Office under grant DA/DAALO3-89-G-O081, the Universityo f Minnesota Graduate School, the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute andt he Alcoa Foundation.


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