Special pit deposits on late la tène settlements: A case study at the oppidum of kelheim

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2 Scopus citations


Pits on settlements provide opportunities to examine in situ deposits of purposely arranged objects. Pit 1991/6 at Kelheim resembles in size, shape, and contents pits on other Late La Tene settlements in Europe. The evidence suggests that it was filled relatively rapidly, perhaps in a single event. Analysis of the pottery, daub, and metal objects reveals significant patterns. A unique, highly ornate vessel was placed at the bottom, personal ornaments at the top, thus framing the other objects deposited. Comparison with pits at other sites, including Manching, suggests that such feaAtures are characteristic of the final phases of the Iron Age, when communities were ever more strongly influenced by Rome. The deposit may represent the material aspects of a ritual that included feasting and was intended to ameliorate the effects of the profound changes taking place in Late La Tene Europe.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)89-100
Number of pages12
JournalArchaologisches Korrespondenzblatt
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2016


  • Bavaria
  • Late la tene
  • Oppidum
  • Ritual


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