Survival after CPR in Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants

Douglas Richardson, Michael F. Epstein, Marie McCormick, Linda J. Vanmarter, John North, Richard J. David, Tonse N.k. Raju, David Korones, Michael H. Leblanc, John D. Lantos, Steven H. Miles, William Meadow, Carol B. Stocking

Research output: Contribution to journalLetterpeer-review

5 Scopus citations


To the Editor: Lantos et al. (Jan. 14 issue)* address an important question in the ethics of caring for sick newborns: When do medical interventions, specifically cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), become futile? If the goal of their study was to provoke discussion, the authors have been successful. However, if the goal was to prove the futility of CPR in very-low-birth-weight infants, the study is so seriously flawed that it cannot support that conclusion. Our criticisms focus on three aspects of the study design: selection of the study population, definition, and inappropriate generalization. The study population is poorly defined and may also.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)176-178
Number of pages3
JournalNew England Journal of Medicine
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jul 21 1988


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