Ten Ways IPUMS International Adds Value to Census Microdata

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Many statistical offices recognize the need for enhancing access to census microdata. High costs, challenging risks, and low rewards are substantial obstacles to going-it-alone. An economical, essentially cost-free solution, endorsed by more than 90 National Statistical Offices, is offered by the IPUMS-International project. This paper discusses ten ways the project enhances access and adds value to census microdatagrouped into four categories: 1. statistical confidentiality (security, disclosure protections, managing access), 2. Integration (comprehensive source documentation, integrated metadata, integrated, pooled microdata, IPUMS-I constructed variables), 3. Dissemination (free, trans-border access, custom-tailored extracts), and 4. ethics (statistical transparency, academic freedom, reduction of risks of fraud/mis-representation, and sharing of research findings). Statistical agencies not yet participating in the IPUMS-International initiative are invited to do so. Those already participating are encouraged to entrust 2010 round census microdata to the project in a timely manner.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - 2012


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