The composition and geotherm of the lower mantle: Constraints from the elasticity of silicate perovskite

Cesar R.S. Da Silva, R. M. Wentzcovitch, A. Patel, G. D. Price, S. I. Karato

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

64 Scopus citations


A newly developed parameterization of the third-order isentropic finite strain equation of states (EOS) is used in conjunction with experimental data and theoretical results on MgSiO3 perovskite. New geotherms for the lower mantle are derived by comparison with preliminary reference earth model (PREM). The geotherms are adiabatic up to 1500 km depth and super-adiabatic thereafter. A description of the critical steps in obtaining the new parameterization is also given.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)103-109
Number of pages7
JournalPhysics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - Feb 2000

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We wish to acknowledge computational resources from the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute, the National Science Foundation (award No. EAR 9628042 to RMW and xxxx to S.-i Karato), the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq award to CRSS), and the British NERC (AP and GDP).


  • Geotherm
  • Lower mantle
  • Silicate perovskite


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