The effect of ovariectomy, estradiol and progesterone on opioid modulation of feeding

J. E. Morley, A. S. Levine, M. Grace, J. Kneip, B. A. Gosnell

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

31 Scopus citations


A number of lines of evidence have suggested that alterations in gonadal steroids may modulate opioid function. We report here the effects of manipulation of female gonadal steroids on the opioid feeding system. Naloxone produced a depression of feeding in all groups. Although the group × dosage interaction was not significant, an internally consistent tendency effect of naloxone among the different treatment groups was observed. Estradiol treated rats were 20 times less sensitive to naloxone's suppressive effects of feeding than ovariectomized animals. Sham operated controls and animals treated with estradiol and progesterone had sensitivities to naloxone which were intermediate to those seen in estradiol treated and ovariectomized animals. A significant drug × dosage interaction was present for the ketocyclazocine effects at 4 hours. Overall, ovariectomized animals were resistant to feeding induced by ketocyclazocine compared to the other groups. Ovariectomy significantly decreased ir-dynorphin levels in the cortex and these values were restored towards normal by a combination of estrogen and progesterone treatment. These studies add to the growing literature suggesting a role for the peripheral endocrine system in the modulation of opioid feeding system.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)237-241
Number of pages5
JournalPhysiology and Behavior
Issue number2
StatePublished - Aug 1984
Externally publishedYes


  • Estradiol and feeding
  • Feeding
  • Opiates and feeding
  • Ovariectomy
  • Progesterone and feeding


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