Utilization of an Intravenous Line Lifter Within a Pediatric Oncology Population

Teresa Herriage, Casey Hooke, Andrew Streifel, Brad Slaker

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Young children with cancer often have central lines. When ambulating during an intravenous infusion, their tubing drags on the hospital floor resulting in contamination of the exterior of the tubing. The tubing can then contaminate the children’s linens, where central line procedures occur, increasing the risk of a central lineassociated blood stream infection. The purpose of this project was to evaluate the IV Line Lifter as a device to decrease contamination of the exterior of IV tubing. Baseline adenosine triphosphate bioluminescence testing was used on the exterior IV tubing to quantify organic matter as relative light units. The bioluminescence tests were performed on ambulatory, inpatient children with cancer ages 2 to 10 years, preimplementation (n = 29) and postimplementation (n = 18) of the IV Line Lifter. Relative light unit levels significantly decreased postimplementation (P <.001). Users of the device reported ease of ambulation when using the device and a willingness to use again. Results support the need for an IV Line Lifter to keep IV tubing off of the hospital floor, to ease ambulation, and decrease the risk of central line–associated blood stream infection.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)105-110
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 1 2016


  • cancer
  • central venous access device
  • children


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