A kardiovaszkuláris rizikófaktorok hatása az agyérbetegek hemoreológiai viszonyaira.

Translated title of the contribution: Effects of cardiovascular risk factors on hemorheologic parameters in cerebrovascular patients

László Szapáry, Mónika Szóts, Beáta Horváth, Zsolt Márton, Tamás Alexy, Gábor Késmárky, István Juricskay, Ferenc Nagy, Valéria Gaál, Anita Pálfi, Katalin Koltai, Kálmán Tóth

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


INTRODUCTION: Hemorheological factors are of significance in the determination of flow characteristics of blood and play an important role in the pathogenesis of cerebrovascular diseases. AIMS AND METHODS: In this study the changes of rheological factors--hematocrit (Hct), plasma fibrinogen concentration (PFC), whole blood (WBV) and plasma viscosity (PV), red blood cell aggregation (AI) and deformability and the association between these parameters and cardiovascular risk factors were investigated in 297 patients (173 males, 124 females, mean age: 60 11 years) with chronic phase (3 months after onset) ischemic cerebrovascular diseases, and in 68 healthy volunteers (30 males, 38 females, mean age: 36 6 years). RESULTS: All investigated hemorheological factors were significantly (p < 0.05-0.0001) elevated in cerebrovascular patients compared to normal controls, the rise in Hct, WBV and PV are some of the most prominent findings. In the group of hypertensive, hyperlipidemic patients, smokers and alcoholics Hct, PFC, WBV, PV and AI were significantly (p < 0.05-0.0001) higher compared to healthy controls, the same factors except plasma fibrinogen concentration showed association with diabetic history. Comparing cerebrovascular patients with or without risk factors, the most severe hemorheological deficit was observed in patients with hyperlipidemia and smoking habits. CONCLUSIONS: In this study the authors proved in chronic ischemic cerebrovascular patients that hemorheological abnormalities persist in most cases for a long time after an acute stroke, significant correlation could be seen between blood rheology and cardiovascular risk factors. Examination of rheological parameters can support to choose the optimal medical treatment in the secondary prevention of stroke, correction of hemorheological disturbances can reduce the risk of recurrent stroke.

Translated title of the contributionEffects of cardiovascular risk factors on hemorheologic parameters in cerebrovascular patients
Original languageHungarian
Pages (from-to)1085-1090
Number of pages6
JournalOrvosi hetilap
Issue number22
StatePublished - Jun 1 2003


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