Characterization of the ATP-sensitive binding of Tetrahymena 30 S dynein to bovine brain microtubules.

M. E. Porter, K. A. Johnson

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Dynein was obtained by high salt extraction of Tetrahymena cilia and purified by DEAE-Sephacel chromatography. This fraction consisted of a mixture of 30 S dynein (80%) and the 14 S ATPase (15%). The column purification effectively removed tubulin and adenylate kinase. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide electrophoresis indicated that the 30 S dynein was composed of a major heavy chain (approximately 400 kD, three copies), three intermediate chains (70, 85, and 100 kD), and a group of light chains (approximately 20 kD). The binding of the column-purified dynein to bovine brain microtubules was characterized as follows. (i) Titration of the dynein with microtubules showed a linear increase in turbidity up to an equivalence point of 2.7 mg of dynein/mg of tubulin with apparently tight binding; (ii) the addition of ATP caused the turbidity of the solution of decrease to a level equal to the sum of free dynein plus microtubules; (iii) transmission electron microscopy indicated that microtubules were decorated with dynein arms spaced at a 24-nm longitudinal repeat and that the dynein decoration was removed upon addition of ATP; (iv) cross-section images of microtubules that were saturated with dynein showed six to seven dynein arms around a microtubule consisting of 14 protofilaments, corresponding to a molar ratio of one dynein/six tubulin dimers; (v) the dynein arms were bound primarily by their broader end which corresponds to the end normally bound to the B-subfiber in vivo. Experiments with purified 30 and 14 S dyneins indicated that the dynein-microtubule binding activity and the ATP-induced dissociation were the properties of the 30 S dynein alone. These studies demonstrate that the 30 S dynein under our conditions (50 mM PIPES, pH 6.96, 4 mM MgSO4) interacts with bovine brain microtubules through the ATP-sensitive site of the dynein arm.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)6575-6581
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Biological Chemistry
Issue number10
StatePublished - May 25 1983


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