Circulating MCP-1 levels shows linkage to chemokine receptor gene cluster on chromosome 3: The NHLBI Family Heart Study follow-up examination

S. J. Bielinski, J. S. Pankow, M. B. Miller, P. N. Hopkins, J. H. Eckfeldt, J. Hixson, Y. Liu, T. Register, R. H. Myers, D. K. Arnett

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Scopus citations


Atherogenesis is a chronic inflammatory process. Critical in the inflammation process is monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1). To locate genomic regions that affect circulating MCP-1 levels, a genome-wide linkage scan was conducted in a sample of whites and blacks. Phenotype and genetic marker data were available for 2501 white and 513 black participants in the National Heart Lung Blood Institute Family Heart Study follow-up examination. Heritability for MCP-1 was 0.37 in whites and 0.47 in blacks after adjusting for the effects of sex, age, age-sex interaction, smoking status, lifetime smoking exposure (pack-years) and field center. Significant linkage was observed for MCP-1 in a combined black and white sample on chromosome 3 (logarithm of the odds ratio (LOD)=3.5 at 78cM, P=0.0001) and suggestive linkage was observed in whites on chromosome 5 (LOD=1.8 at 128cM, P=0.002). Located under the linkage peak on chromosome 3 is the chemokine receptor gene cluster, including CCR2, the receptor for MCP-1. This study provides preliminary evidence linking genetic variation in a receptor to circulating levels of its ligand, as previously demonstrated for the low-density lipoprotein receptor. Further characterization of these chromosomal regions is needed to identify the functional mutations associated with circulating levels of MCP-1.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)684-690
Number of pages7
JournalGenes and Immunity
Issue number8
StatePublished - Dec 2007

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We are grateful for resources from the University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, the NIH Training Grant in Cardiovascular Disease Genetic Epidemiology (no. 5 T32 HL007972) and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute cooperative agreement Grants U01 HL 67893, U01 HL67894, U01 HL67895, U01 HL67896, U01 HL67897, U01 HL67898, U01 HL67899, U01 HL67900, U01 HL67901 and U01 HL67902. Financial support was also partially provided by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute cooperative agreement Grants U01 HL56563, U01 HL56564, U01 HL56565, U01 HL56566, U01 HL56567, U01 HL56568 and U01 HL56569. This report is presented on behalf of the investigators of the NHLBI FHS. The investigators thank the study participants and staff for their valuable contributions.


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