Complex Circadian Activity in Desynchronized Gerbils

L. F. Wolterink, B. L. Kasiske, D. L. Norton

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The papers referred to here are grouped in the proceedings of the conference under the heading: Nervous System and Behavior. The first (commentary) paper presents the following summary. At least three important themes are illustrated by the papers of this section: (1) There exist ″command neurons″ which can activate integrated behavioral sequences, or sequence fragments (e. g. , Bittman and Raiciulescu, Clynes, and Brooks); (2) There exist significant interactions between specific and nonspecific neural systems. Some of these interactions subserve learning, and some energize specific motor performance or autonomic patterns that are compatible with fluctuating drive states (e. g. , Gambarian et al, Gopal, Brooks, Wolterink et al); and (3) There exist mechanisms that permit various species to change the controlling cues that guide their motor behavior if this behavior does not generate expected consequences (e. g. , Endroczi). The first paper itself sketches some formal neural networks that illustrate mechanisms of this type in a unified setting. These networks comprise the theory of Embedding Fields. The goal is to find facts that correspond to basic principles of neural design. Following is a list of titles and authors: Comments on Nervous System and Behavior. By Stephen Grossberg. Physiological Control and the Interactions of the Somatic and Autonomic Divisions of the Nervous System. By Chandler McC. Brooks. Anticipatory Goal-Directed Behavior, Limbic System and Endocrine Influences. By E. Endroczi. Modelling of Purposive Behavior of Animals under Experimental Conditions. By L. S. Gambarian, D. S. Melkonian, G. T. Sarkisov, A. A. Sarkissian, and D. K. Rostomian. Complex Circadian Activity in Desynchronized Gerbils. By L. F. Wolterink, B. L. Kasiske, and D. L. Norton.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationRegulation and Control in Physiological Systems
StatePublished - 1973

Publication series

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