Influence of size purification and self-assembly on the photoluminescence of silicon nanocrystal ensembles

J. B. Miller, A. R. Van Sickle, R. J. Anthony, U. R. Kortshagen, D. M. Kroll, E. K. Hobbie

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Silicon nanocrystals (SiNCs) synthesized through a nonthermal plasma reaction are purified through density-gradient ultracentrifugation in mixed organic solvents to achieve highly monodisperse fractions. These fractions show a reduction in photoluminescent (PL) linewidth, increased band alignment, and the emergence of short-range crystalline order in dried films. The films display a significant PL enhancement that we suggest arises from nanocrystal interactions in densely packed arrays and we exploit this to achieve photostable emission. We also explore how this PL enhancement emerges, from the scale of individual nanocrystals up to clusters of more than a thousand, and we examine the influence of different polymers on the self-assembly and PL stability of ensemble structures.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationECS Transactions
PublisherElectrochemical Society Inc.
Number of pages6
StatePublished - 2014
EventInternational Symposium on Silicon Compatible Materials, Processes, and Technologies for Advanced Integrated Circuits and Emerging Applications 4 - 225th ECS Meeting - Orlando, United States
Duration: May 11 2014May 15 2014


OtherInternational Symposium on Silicon Compatible Materials, Processes, and Technologies for Advanced Integrated Circuits and Emerging Applications 4 - 225th ECS Meeting
Country/TerritoryUnited States


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