Reinventing civil engineering education

Ronald Sack, Rafael L. Bras, David E. Daniel, Chris Hendrickson, Karl A. Smith, Herb Levitan

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

3 Scopus citations


The context and existing change agents mandate that significant improvements in civil engineering education be initiated. The society is being shaped by elements that are very different from those that existed when the Grinter report prescribed the approach that civil engineering education has been pursuing for almost a half century. Information technology is now ubiquitous and an entire field of cognitive science has begun to define how people learn. The profession of civil engineering and civil engineering education should conduct a self-examination, recommend actions and implement a plan, along with a methodology for assessing distributing the outcomes.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationProceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference
Pages13d3-14 - 13d3-18
ISBN (Print)0780356438
StatePublished - 1999
Event29th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference: 'Designing the Future of Science and Engineering Education' - San Juan, Puerto Rico
Duration: Nov 10 1999Nov 13 1999

Publication series

NameProceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference
ISSN (Print)0190-5848


Other29th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference: 'Designing the Future of Science and Engineering Education'
CitySan Juan, Puerto Rico


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