Technology-enhanced distance education: From experimentation to concerted action

Merrie J Kaas, Derryl E. Block, Melissa D Avery, Linda L Lindeke, Martha Y Kubik, Laura J Duckett, Barbara Vellenga

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Despite the rush to embrace technology-enhanced learning (TEL), descriptions of how schools of nursing move toward systemwide implementation of this type of teaching are scarce. There is a wide gap between sporadic dabbling by individual instructors in specific courses and adoption and implementation of TEL throughout a program. This article describes the experiences of a group of nursing faculty who helped move one school of nursing from experimentation with TEL in distance education to concerted action toward a strategic schoolwide plan.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)135-140
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Professional Nursing
Issue number3
StatePublished - May 2001

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Because of the increased demand for nurse-midwifery, women's health care nurse practitioner, and public health nursing areas of graduate nursing study, these three areas were initially selected for total TEL development. Planning for TEL development included not only the specialty courses for each area of study but the core nursing graduate courses as well. An educational program grant was submitted to the federal agency Health Resources and Services Administration/Division of Nursing to fund the modification of the existing courses to a Web-based format. This grant was funded in May 2000. A detailed course and program evaluation plan is an integral part of the grant.


  • Distance education
  • Graduate nursing
  • Nursing


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