Transition to hard turbulence in thermal convection at infinite Prandtl number

Ulrich Hansen, David A Yuen, Sherri E. Kroening

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68 Scopus citations


Direct numerical simulations of two-dimensional high Rayleigh (Ra) number, base-heated thermal convection in large aspect-ratio boxes are presented for infinite Prandtl number fluids, as applied to the Earth's mantle. A transition is characterized in the flow structures in the neighborhood of Ra between 107 and 108. These high Ra flows consist of large-scale cells with strong intermittent, boundary-layer instabilities. For Ra exceeding 107 it is found that the heat-transfer mechanism changes from one characterized by mushroom-like plumes to one consisting of disconnected ascending instabilities, which do not carry with them all the thermal anomaly from the bottom boundary layer. Plume-plume collisions become much more prominent in high Ra situations and have a tendency of generating a pulse-like behavior in the fixed plume. This type of instability represents a distinct mode of heat transfer in the hard turbulent regime. Predictions of this model can be used to address certain issues concerning the mode of time-dependent convection in the Earth's mantle.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2157-2163
Number of pages7
JournalPhysics of Fluids A
Issue number12
StatePublished - 1990


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