Viability and fertility of vacuum dried pollen of 5 needle pine species

Clifford E. Ahlgren, Isabel F. Ahlgren

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Methods and results are given for a vacuum drying technique for storage of pollens of eastern white pine, Korean pine, Balkan pine, Swiss stone pine and Himalayan pine [Pinus strobus, P. koraiensis, P. peuce, P. cembra and P. griffithii respectively]. In in vitro tests, pollen of all species remained viable for 5 or more yr. Eastern white pine pollen remained viable for 8 yr and Swiss stone pine for 12 yr or more. Seedlings were obtained from pollinations made with pollen of Swiss stone pine, eastern white pine and Himalayan pine stored 5 yr.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)100-102
Number of pages3
JournalForest Science
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1978


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